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Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories: Including Early Life Stories, Profession... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781354470404 List Price: $23.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories: Including Early Life Stories, Profession... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781354471012 List Price: $25.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories: Including Early Life Stories, Profession... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781354469750 List Price: $25.95
Wit, Wisdom, Eloquence, and Great Speeches of Col. R. G. Ingersoll, Including Eloquent Extra... by Ingersoll, Robert Green, Mc... ISBN: 9781341708824 List Price: $23.95
Stories, Sketches and Speeches of General Grant at Home and Abroad: In Peace and In War by McClure, James Baird, J B. ... ISBN: 9781341875540 List Price: $25.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories: Including Early Life Stories, Profession... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781342290724 List Price: $25.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories: Including Early Life Stories, Profession... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781342286512 List Price: $23.95
Entertaining Anecdotes from Every Available Source by McClure, J. b. 1832-1895 ISBN: 9781178540864 List Price: $28.75
A Edison and His Inventions, Including the Many Incidents, Anecdotes, and Interesting Part... by J. B. 1832-1895 McClure ISBN: 9781287631170 List Price: $28.75
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781149279298 List Price: $24.75
Abraham Lincoln's Stories and Speeches : Including early life Stories by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781149269459 List Price: $38.75
Abraham Lincoln's Stories and Speeches : Including early life stories; professional life sto... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781149269442 List Price: $38.75
Abraham Lincoln's Speeches Complete by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781149269435 List Price: $40.75
Gen Garfield from the Log Cabin to the White House : Including his early history, war record... by McClure, J. b. 1832-1895 ISBN: 9781149381571 List Price: $26.75
Edison and His Inventions, Including the Many Incidents, Anecdotes, and Interesting Particul... by McClure, J. B. (James Baird... ISBN: 9781361974360 List Price: $25.95
Stories, Sketches and Speeches of General Grant at Home and Abroad, in Peace and in War by McClure, J. B. (James Baird... ISBN: 9781373797766 List Price: $25.95
Wit, Wisdom, Eloquence, and Great Speeches of Col. R. G. Ingersoll, Including Eloquent Extra... by Ingersoll, Robert Green, Mc... ISBN: 9781373992987 List Price: $23.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories : Including Early Life Stories, Professio... by Lincoln, Abraham 1809-1865,... ISBN: 9781015040809 List Price: $17.95
Gen. Garfield from the Log Cabin to the White House, Including His Early History, War Record... by McClure, J. B. (James Baird... ISBN: 9781018730585 List Price: $33.95
Gen. Garfield from the Log Cabin to the White House, Including His Early History, War Record... by McClure, J. B. (James Baird... ISBN: 9781018735511 List Price: $22.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories : Including Early Life Stories, Professio... by Lincoln, Abraham 1809-1865,... ISBN: 9781015351554 List Price: $17.95
Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln's Stories : Including Early Life Stories, Professio... by Lincoln, Abraham, McClure, ... ISBN: 9781340284930 List Price: $23.95
Edison and His Inventions, Including the Many Incidents, Anecdotes, and Interesting Particul... by McClure, J. B. 1832-1895 ISBN: 9781376850420 List Price: $15.95
Wit, Wisdom, Eloquence, and Great Speeches of Col. R. G. Ingersoll, Including Eloquent Extra... by Ingersoll, Robert Green, Mc... ISBN: 9781378030752 List Price: $13.95
Stories, Sketches and Speeches of General Grant at Home and Abroad : In Peace and in War by McClure, J. B. 1832-1895 ISBN: 9781378131138 List Price: $15.95
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